Abdurrahman Rajab personal website!

At this website you can find articles about: communities, AI and some ideas and blogs related to my work and my experience. I hope you to enjoy reading them, feel free to open a PR if you find any misspelling in them.

Stay tuned for the next aricles, posts and blogs!

Resetting WSL password

Working on WSL after leaving it for a while, could be such a great lesson for you!

Whisper on windows command line

Whisper is OpenAI speech to text model, this short blog will show you how to run it on windows assuming you are using it for the first time.

Resetting Linux/Ubuntu password

forgetting your system password could teach you a lot about how to handle this kind of situation and the system you are using.

📖 7 lessons on learning programming languages and frameworks!

Recently I started to learn Go programming language. At the beginning I felt confident about myself and my skills to jump directly to tutorials provided by them yet I was proved wrong after the first full program that I tried to write!

🏔️ 3 Tips On Learning Go Programming Language

Those tips could be generally used for any programming language, yet in this article I am providing the links to Go Documentations.

Genuine Appreciation 🙏

عربي,Türkçe,English When I started the Hadith Tech 🐬🤩 show we were not setting any expectations but to have an evergreen Arabic online content that can help people in the future to find role models and even get to know different perspectives and fields!

👷 Thinking like an engineer

One of the most interesting things in engineering is the mindset that you can get, the ideas and approach you can gain from it, and the logical reasoning you develop during your study.

Karma and tech communities

karma hits back ✌️ ✨ Recently I have started a new show with GitHub education focused on the MENA region which has a goal of empowering Arabic speaking people by showing them tech role models in different fields, and widen their horizon to new unique technological areas.

Empowering open source communities

Empowering open source communities in higher education: a case study. In this article, I will discuss the idea of empowering and getting more people engaged in the open-source communities based on my experience for four years as a Computer engineering student in Turkey.